
Saturday, September 5, 2015

The Big Three of Life...

Strap in people we're going deep today. I have an answer to the Big Question: What is the meaning of life? This is a three part answer, this is a big question to answer so don't expect a quick answer... There are three things that give significance to our existence. Do these three things and I guarantee you a lifetime of happiness (dramatized for effect). Are you ready? Have I stalled enough? THE BIG THREE: See, Do, Learn. It's that simple. Need I go on? I'll go on.

1. SEE. Just see stuff. I, myself, have seen very little and I am attempting to amend that. You don't even have to go that far; though I recommend you do. Just get in your car or on your bike or whatever it is you use as transportation and go see stuff. Humans are creatures of habit, but I promise you that there is much more out there than the places where you are comfortable. There is only so much you can grow if you never leave the nest.

2. DO. Just do stuff. Having led a rather sedentary life this is a big one for me. Go hike through a forrest or jump out of a plane (wear a parachute), join a club, meet some new people, whatever gets you kneecap deep in human existence and exposed to more than just your own life. We have the internet so we think we know things about other people, but believe me when I tell you that nothing teaches you more about the world than experiencing it firsthand. So get moving and do stuff because there is a lot of stuff to do and not a whole lot of time to do it.

3. LEARN. None of this means anything if you don't learn from it. All the seeing and all the doing won't do you any good if you don't incorporate it into your existing. Every adventure is a lesson in disguise. You will learn from seeing and doing without even actively trying to. I am nearing the end of my time in Alaska and after 15 weeks of 20 different people I can definitely say I've learned a lot. I thought I had things pretty figured out when I left home, but man did the world show me up. There are so many people out there and so many things to learn from each of them. I have met people who very clearly live by the Big Three and others who have never left their safety bubble behind. I've found that the safety bubble people are the ones who's names I forget first. The people who have the biggest impact on the world are the ones who the world has most impacted. The human existence shouldn't just be about existing.

So, as you marinate in my wise words of wisdom think of all the seeing and doing and learning that you've done and also think about what you can still see, do, and learn. It's never too late to have the world prove you wrong about itself. Go forth and see, do, and learn. Live by the Big Three and I promise you will be wiser and happier with your life.